For a little while, it seemed like the mid-size family sedan was going to go the way of the dodo bird. Starting in the late 90s, folks across America began snapping up SUVs like hotcakes, and those still sticking with four doors and a trunk often migrated upmarket to luxury nameplates.
Take one great recession, add some higher gas prices, and viola, the times have sure changed again. Buyers are downsizing away from expensive, gas-guzzling SUVs, and the market for mid-sized sedans is as competitive as it has ever been. Sure, smaller crossovers are popular and wagons are making a small comeback, but for basic transportation that is also practical and affordable, nothing beats a well made four door sedan.
Selecting just 5 excellent mid-size sedans was tough, as almost every manufacturer offers a competitive product these days. Our top 5 needed to really excel in all areas, including build, performance, design and functionality, and of course value. With this in mind, we feel our finalists are all truly well balanced cars, with no major flaws and a lot to admire.
Editor’s note: The rating number for the Chevy Malibu is misleading because it includes all the model years that were reviewed by users. The archaic system that is in place cannot just give a rating for a specific model year or generation of car. That feature will be in the next version of CarReview.