MPU 300x600
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Drunk Drivers Foiled Again!
It’s getting trickier for drunk drivers to do what they love to do, which is drive drunk. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this earlier (a time right before now)? Motorists convicted of driving drunk will have to install breath-monitoring gadgets in their cars under new laws taking effect in six states earlier this month. How […]
Read More »Five Best Rides on Pimp My Ride
My dream is to have the Pimp My Ride posse makeover my car so it has a cotton candy machine and a disco ball hanging dead in my backseat dance floor. Man, who doesn’t love the MTV show where the GAS team (who always cringe when the vehicle rolls into the shop), along with rap […]
Read More »Is Bullitt the Best Movie Car Chase Ever?
In the 1968 movie classic Bullitt, Steve McQueen took to the streets of San Francisco in a revved up 1968 Highland Green Mustang GT 390 Fastback as he chases two hit-men in a “Tuxedo Black” 1968 Dodge Charger R/T 440 Magnum. Getting air off the hills of SF What follows is the greatest car chase […]
Read More »Lose Your Job—No Problem! Just Give the Hyundai Back!
Is this a sign that the end is very near? Desperate beads of perspiration must be breaking out on the brow of our nation’s auto industry. Get this, Hyundai Motors is offering an incentive program for U.S. consumers; if you buy a car and lose your job, you can simply return your vehicle—no flippin’ strings […]
Read More »Race Car Schools Are Flooring It!
Though the auto industry is tanking, according to Market Watch, race enthusiast are still paying big bucks to attend such racing schools as Jim Russell Racing School at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma County.
Read More »5 Greatest Video Game Cars–EVER!
What would video games be without cars? Most likely they would be “car-less.” But what would be the greatest video game cars of all time? Don’t think it’s about time that someone out there on the InterWeb would decide to compile a list of these computer-generated-gaming vehicles? Well, thank bloody goodness for Jalopnik (who incidently […]
Read More »It’s Fun To Be A Top Dealer For Chrysler!
It’s fun to be a hotshot dealer for a major car corporation. All year long you push hard to be the top salesman so your company will award you with such perks as a free trip to Mexico to show their appreciation for your had work and commitment to the company. That is if you […]
Read More »Top Gear’s Best Supercars of 2008
Top Gear, everyone’s favorite den of auto gadgetry (other than this site of course) has announced their top list of the best supercars of 2008. Yes SUPERcars—cars that go behind the mere mortal cars that we peasants drive, to become, well, super. Their favs include insanely fast and expensive vehicles that are not just all […]
Read More »Time for a New President!
We in the U.S. surely know the excitement of a new president to replace one who oversaw an economically crunched country. The same holds true in Japan with the Toyota Motor Corp. The ailing Japanese car company is to promote Mr. Akio Toyoda to the president role, whose past creds include executive vice-president as well […]
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