Lamborghini Goes Solar

Press and News

solar panelsEverybody is getting serious about greening their companies, even folks like Lamborghini. Now I’ve got nothing against Lambo, quite the opposite in fact, but let’s face facts, they’re not the most efficient cars out there. Last time I checked, Lamborghinis where lucky to break into the double-digit MPG figures. Which is fine really, who in their right mind is going to commute in a Lambo?

At any rate, Lamborghini is going to make things greener and more efficient where they can, and in this particular case, they are drastically lowing their factory’s CO2 output, aiming to get a whopping 35% reduction by 2015.

The Italian automaker is installing 17,000 square meters of solar panels on its factory roof that will generate 1,582 MWh of electricity annually. Lambo is changing things on the inside of the factory too. Indoors they are improving insulation, lighting, and climate control as a way to get the factory-related CO2 emissions down by 30 percent by 2010, and cut by a total of 35% five years later.

Lamborghini is also starting to focus on getting what rolls out of the factory to be a little more efficient as well. They are expanding the use of direct injection technology that debuted on the Gallardo LP560-4 in 2008, and their the engineers are working on weight reduction, auto start/stop systems, improved combustion, hybrid drive and biofuel use.

The more the merrier Lamborghini!

Source: AutoBlog

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