Wa-HOOOO! That’s what you’ll be saying (either literally or to yourself) when you step on the gas peddle of the AMG-massaged diesel that’ll be rolling out by 2011. That is, if Volker Mornhinweg, the boss of Mercedes’ tuning division, has his way.
Herr Mornhinweg described the upcoming model as an updated version of the legendary AMG Hammer. “This car will be the Super Hammer,” said Mornhinweg. Again, allow me to repeat myself: “Wa-HOOOO!” I’m not that big of a sedan guy, but the first AMG Hammer was flat out stunning. Durn thing accelerated like a WRC car in the hands of Sebastien Loeb – and you know how heavy Mercedes-Benz are, right? And what makes this so uber cool is that it’s an oil burner. Which means two things:
1 – Better mileage, and
2 – You could potentially, probably run the thing on bio-diesel
Interesting possibilities, no?
Anyway, this new iteration won’t be some big honker of a car, like a large coupe or sedan, because Volker Mornhinweg has already said that he prefers the idea of a smaller, lighter and more efficient car. Yeah-yeah, right Volker, smaller, lighter and more efficient … cloak it all you want in those terms, but to me “smaller & lighter” translates into high performance. It’s likely to be based on a C-class diesel, such as the C320.
So bring on 2011 I say. This could be a lot of (responsible) fun.
Source: AutoBlogGreen
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I have a 1986 190 Diesel Mercedes and is so awesome even do is an old car and a 2.5 litter 5 cylinder car it fits for m life style like a hybrid. Yes. A hybrid; my MPG is around 42 mpg and I travel around 100 miles a day with a 70% city and 30% highway and with gas prices going down I can fill up the tank with $30 dollars and i wont have to fill up again in 1 week. I have 21 years old and this is my first car and it really has turn me into a hardcore Mercedes fan and I plan to buy only Mercedes for the rest of my life. My mom owns a VW Jetta and its a good car but she likes my car so much that she buy a 2004 Mercedes. And the Jetta???? well she gave it to me and I sold it to restore my car and now I have a 190 diesel looking like a 190E EVO.